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Certex offers four secure laser check writing solutions to accommodate your specialized needs:
Our software products streamline your payment process and increase productivity while maintaining security. Utilizing a MICR laser printer and our Windows-based software technology, you will significantly reduce the time required to process checks, while reducing check costs by 5 to 15 cents per check. Printing checks from blank safety paper enhances security and reduces inventory. Changes to company name, address, phone numbers, and/or bank information are made easily and securely. Our software is compatible with most accounting systems.
Which Certex software product is right for you? Features Chart
Industry Solutions Because Certichex software works with most accounts payable systems, our products provide payment solutions for several industries:
Plan for Tomorrow’s Business Needs Today
Our lowest cost alternative for your secure check writing needs Solutions for Small Business
The next generation of secure check writing and payment solutions
Features include:
Using the most advanced MICR laser technology, Certichex Premier integrates into your current accounting software system. Certex supports onsite/remote installation and training – the service you expect from a trusted industry leader.
As the checks are printed, the bank details, currency symbol, logos and signatures are all added at the same time, along with a remittance advisement letter. The software can run in a Network environment for multi-site printing, or in a stand-alone, one-office environment.
All signatures are encrypted and controlled, like (passwords and swipe cards authorization). These security applications will be applied in line with your bank mandate signing requirements to ensure all checks have the appropriate signatures before being issued.
In addition to check payments, Certichex Premier can also print pay slips, money orders, foreign drafts, letters, invoices, deposit slips, check books and tax forms.
Certex also offers savings over Certichex Premier with our solid valued Lite version of Certichex Premier. Using the same format as the premium version, it excludes only two advanced features many businesses may not need. See our Features Chart (link) to determine if this would work for you. The next generation of secure check writing and payment solutions
Features include:
Using the most advanced MICR laser technology, Certichex Premier integrates into your current accounting software system. Certex supports onsite/remote installation and training – the service you expect from a trusted industry leader.
As the checks are printed, the bank details, currency symbol, logos and signatures are all added at the same time, along with a remittance advisement letter. The software can run across a wide area network for multi-site printing, or operate in a stand-alone, one-office environment.
All signatures are encrypted and controlled(passwords and swipe cards authorization). These security applications will be applied in line with your bank mandate signing requirements to ensure all checks have the appropriate signatures before being issued.
In addition to check payments, Certichex Premier can also print pay slips, money orders, foreign drafts, letters, invoices, deposit slips, check books and tax forms.
Certex also offers software specifically designed for Banks and Credit Unions. This software allows all tellers to print checks to a single centrally located network printer that holds the blank safety paper check stock. Stream-lines your check issuing by providing on-demand checks right at the teller line. Features:
For an Online Demo, or to upgrade your current software, Click Here.
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